Friday, January 9, 2015

1/8-1/9/15 - Andreas Padilla

Hello all,

Today's Friday and at this current moment we are all sitting in a circle telling stories of our day.  From Ron accidentally pressing the emergency button on a light post to 5 of our group members laughing uncomfortably at the fact that their bags are still in Houston, Texas.  As the first blogger of the trip, I feel it necessary to inform everyone of the hectic two days behind us. Yesterday, began smoothly with our flight to Houston being delayed 45 minutes.  We thought this was fine until we arrived at our next gate to find that the Mexico City bound airplane had left 7 minutes before we got there.  We spent 3 hours at the first of many customer services while Fr. Kirk waited patiently for any news.  Thankfully, we were able to catch a ride with Aero Mexico!  We arrived at the Aero Mexico check in.  Only 8 tickets were printed out for us which granted a much needed ride for only 8 of the 15 in our group.  The other 7 were able to find a ride on our original airline, United Airlines (we also learned once we took off that there were 11 EMPTY SEATS ON THE PLANE).  This was the 2nd of 3 'customer services' that we were so blessed to visit.  From there we headed to the United baggage lost baggage claim where we had to describe our bags.  Our bags were found and put on our flight to Mexico City.  When we arrived, we met up with Ms. Mekrut and her group who had no bags (we now know that they were still in Houston).  Our night ended with driving to the hostel and crawling into  our beds because we were so tired.

Today was day 2.  Our day began our day at a harsh 9:00am. We all dressed for a day of traveling the city and walking many miles.  Our first stop was the National Anthropology Museum where we saw many artifacts from the hoops used during the 'Mayan Ball Game' to the bones of Lucy (who for those who don't know is the oldest skeletal remains to be found at 3.2 million years ago).  After we headed to the Frida Khalo Museum located in her former home in Coyoacan.  This location was where Leon Trotsky slept while he exiled to Mexico in 1937 and where Frida Khalo died and Diego Riviera spent his final days.  After we returned to the hostel and went out to dinner to celebrate Jake's birthday that was unfortunately spent traveling.  He is one of the people with no bag so he got a nice birthday present from United.  I now have my fellow group members bugging me about finishing so.......that's all from me for now! Thanks and continue to keep us in your prayers.

-Andreas Padilla
Class of 2017

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