Friday, January 16, 2015

1/15-1/16/15 - Jake Gammon

Today is Friday, our 5th day in Guatemala. Today started out like any normal day. I woke up at 7 to take a shower, then I woke up Liam and Jaime at 7:45 so they wouldn't be late to breakfast. We ate oatmeal for breakfast and then set out for our job site at 9. We moved rocks to set a foundation for a local school until 12. 
We had lunch at 12:30 and then set back out for our next job at 2. We cleaned up the local school and moved some stored items to make room. After barely escaping many spiders, we stopped working at 3:30 and had free time until 5:50. Our group prepped the dinner for the night and after dinner we cleaned up everything. After dinner, we watched a video on Father Greg who made San Lucas the city it is today. Now I am writing this blog at a local hotel with wifi. Only God knows what fun adventures await us in the days to come. 


  1. Great job, you fine examples of what young men in this country should be! Work hard and set a standard that all others following you will strive to attain. God be with you and don't drink the water........ 8^)

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